Sunday 6 September 2020

Rev. Elroy Christopher

Rev. Elroy Christopher


In most societies there seems to be a haste for persons to take legal action against others through the civil system. When the details are examined it is often found it is not so much about settling disputes or disagreements in a just and amicable way, but more about seeking revenge against another person for some perceived wrong ; making someone pay for their deeds. Issues that can be trivial and that can be that can be resolved with a little goodwill and effort. It is sad because it reflects the general mindset of the world in a negative light.

This is not a suggestion that there is no place in for seeking justice in the legal system, but it must not be abused. Furthermore, we must think about the consequences to be of taking such steps. They can be sometimes be counterproductive and even disastrous, resulting in the opening of wounds, deepening hurt and enmity, instead of providing healing and goodwill. There must be a better way, but the question is where does it begin?

The gospel reading today, presents Jesus teaching his disciples how to deal with a brother who sins, using what I call a blueprint for the resolution of issues.

He begins by saying ; “If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault .”

Jesus does not simply say if someone sins against you, but the text quotes him as saying IF YOUR BROTHER SINS AGAINST YOU.

This is significant because Jesus was not speaking of just any casual acquaintance or about members of a fraternity or a group of school friends, He was in fact pointing to those who ought to have a special bond between them, between us, as brothers and sisters in His name, called to be an example to others. It is a bond to be highly regarded, even by those who observe from the outside. A family bond that enables his followers to be able to reach to each other even in unfavorable circumstances without hostility, without making a public spectacle, without seeking to embarrass or belittle: but reach out in love and with respect for each other; being point out shortcomings as members of one family should. Members of the family should seek to build and strengthen relationships, even if there is some hurt by another’s words or deeds.

When we address each other as brother and sister it signifies a special bond we have as members of the family of God.

But there are times when because of the weakness of human nature, that hardness of heart, resolution and restoration of relationships become difficult to achieve.

Jesus takes it to another level. He says: If he does not listen, take two or three others along”. Members of the faith community to be witnesses that an effort was made, and who can also lovingly encourage resolution. If this step also fails, Jesus says: take it to the church, the whole body of believers, the entire family. because it is still a family matter between and among the members of the community of faith. If there is still no resolution, after exhausting those internal channels, Jesus says the unrepentant offender should be treated as pagans and tax collectors, as outsiders, because of the unrepentant attitude and a turning away from the ways of God.

Some time ago, I was told of a magistrate who would ask persons who appeared before him about their church affiliation. If they said that they related to the Moravian church, he would not hear the matter, but send the parties to their pastor for settlement of their matter. He understood

the principle, that when there are disputes, disagreements between and 3 sin against each other the matters ought to be settled within the church. Going outside of the family should be the last resort after all else fails.

Let us remember that this passage comes as Jesus was teaching his disciples about matters of the Kingdom. In this instance the need for a oneness of purpose, the need for harmony, respect, and the need for his follower to be kind and gracious to each other.

Those are attributes which seem to be in short supply in the world. So, we have disdain for others and practice of seeking retribution. What Jesus teaches is building and strengthening each other, and not destroying relationships among his followers. So that with by our example those in the world around would recognize that there are better ways to deal with our differences than violence and destruction with little thought for the value of human life. Let us not forget that life is sacred, good relationships are desirable, because we are all made in the image and likeness of God.

Today’s reading from Ezekiel is clear that the restoration is what God desires.

Through the Prophet, God warned the children of Israel that they should turn from their rebellious ways. As dire as it may sound to the casual reader, this was meant to bring an awareness of the ways in which they strayed. They felt the weight of their sin, but our gracious God is clear that he takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. It is not his will that suffering come upon his people because of misdeeds. What he desires is that there be restoration by his grace and mercy. The message was,

turn from your evil ways, why will you die? Why suffer separation from each other and worse yet separation from God. but God said in Isaiah “1:18.

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Regardless of how bad they may seem; matters can be resolved and those who may have gone astray can restored. That is what God desires for us. Who are we not to be of the mind to reach out to others to bring about peace, restoration and wholeness of life?

In closing this teaching Jesus declared:

“whatever you bind on earth will be bound in, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”

I see this as giving the church or the faith community to arbitrarily exercise authority, but it is saying, when you go to a brother, when you seek to resolve issues and restore relationship, be guided by the Holy Spirit so that the end result will be in keeping with God’s will and purposes for all his people. Jesus is also saying where two or three come together, and act in His name He is present to bestow blessing, for us to receive that undeserved grace so freely bestowed on God’s beloved.

Our call today is to restore relationships, guided by the Holy Spirit showing mercy, and being gracious even in the most trying circumstance as God is merciful and gracious to us.
