Meditation - Sunday 10 May 2020

Pastor - Rev. Elroy Christopher: First Moravian Church of Georgia

Pastor - Rev. Elroy Christopher: First Moravian Church of Georgia


Without them where will we be?
How would we do we do ?
How would we survive ?
Thank God for mothers!

Whether biological, by adoption or by providing nurture, each is important in her own way.
So, each of us must appreciate mothers because:
Mothers are called to be teachers, counselors, doctors, nurses and children’s best friend.

In these days many are on the front lines in the fight against the threat to human life posed by the ‘invisible enemy’, COVID-19.

Mothers are today placing their lives at risk, not for selfish ambition, but for the health, safety and wellbeing of all: giving up quality time with their families on this special day, to be engaged in the service of others.

Mothers - many have lost children, husbands, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers to this enemy, COVID 19.
Many have made the ultimate sacrifice alongside their male counterparts.

But through it all, the loving, caring nature of mothers never die.

As a caring community of faith, we say to all mothers, whether biological, by adoption or by providing nurturing: We thank God for you! We appreciate you!

MOTHERS: Without you, where will we be?
What would we do?
How would we survive?

You are all precious in the sight of God and to each of us.

Happy and blessed Mothers’ Day!



As Jesus experienced his final moments on the cross, he commissioned his favorite disciple to take care of his mother (John 19:26-27). Jesus was being sacrificed but his pain and distress did not stop him from putting the mother he loved first. Today is Mother's Day and we are thinking of mothers first. The mother who nursed us from the day we were born; the one who hugged us and kissed our wounds; the mother who encouraged us when we failed; the mother who sat at our bedside at home or in the hospital and who accepted us when no one else would because of a difficult illness or disability - the loving mother who cared.

We could not choose our mother like we choose the candy we like best... our mother was a special gift from God that we must cherish. Sometimes, because of human weakness, a mother may fail us. In those situations we must ask God to give us the strength to love and forgive her. Jesus was concerned about the well being of his mother and tried to make provisions for her, even while he was dying on the cross. What an example!

Today is Mother's Day, but because of the current pandemic we may be unable to hug our mother. We might be miles away and cannot travel to see her to express our love. If our mother has passed on, her memory may still live with us because our love for her never dies. We cherish the thoughts of our mother because through her sacrifice God gave us the gift of birth. We thank you God for all the beautiful things you've given us to enjoy on this earth such as birds, flowers and wonderful people, but we thank you especially for the gift of mothers and the miracle of life.